
From the profound to the profane…

Overheard at improv show with audience participation:
“What do you do for a living?”
“Investment banker.”
“What do you do for fun in your spare time?”


Overheard on the train:
“The bouncer took away my Juul. It must be bad karma for something I did. But at least I am not arrested, or broke, or dead. So life is still good.”


Overheard from someone arguing on the phone:
“I have a bigger plan for my life.”


Overheard from rabbi at a wedding in my hotel:
“Mazel tov! And now you can make out.”


Overheard from disillusioned voter:
“I want new blood and new ideas in Washington. Just not his.”


Overheard at Society:
“She started playing pool when you were still a twinkle in your daddy’s ballsack.”


Overheard by the pool:
“We got tired of watching Fake News so we switched the channel to something more accurate: Star Wars.”


Overheard from a bar aficionado:
“I was devastated when the old Max Fish closed. Didn’t know what to do with myself. I almost quit drinking, but then managed to reel myself back in.”


Overheard at the Regionals:
“I lost.” “Yeah, but you are still winning at life.”


Overheard from a securities lawyer:
“You can put Satanic messages in your risk factors and people will still make the investment.”


Overheard from Presidential debate observer:
“I kept waiting for him to call her a bitch. Maybe he’s saving that for the final debate.”


Overheard at a pool hall:
“Sometimes I talk to my balls.”


Overheard at work:
“I feel like Hillary, deleting all these emails.”


Overheard from a sports fan:
“I hope they are all doping. I want to see better games. Everyone plays better when they are on drugs.”


Overheard from a Brooklyn criminal lawyer:
“У моих клиентов всегда деньги есть. И даже когда нет, быстро у кого-то находят. Чемоданчики приносят.”


Overheard from a US government old hand:
“I had security clearance for 15 years. I never learned anything that wasn’t in the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal.”


Overheard from a deep thinker:
“I don’t like watching TV. I prefer reading books. I don’t want someone manipulating the images that I see. With books, I get to create my own image in my head.”


Overheard in the parking lot:
“That’s not a good picture of you.” “Yeah, but I got 16 likes for it.”


Overheard in the Village:
“The person who invents a device that allows you to have full body virtual reality sex with someone else remotely will be the world’s first trillionaire.”


Overheard from a party animal:
“I had a Colombian weekend.”


Overheard from wife:
“Being a parent automatically makes you a doctor.”


Overheard at a bar:
“I am a fountain of Soviet and ancient knowledge.”


Overheard at the Regionals:
“If we end up playing each other, don’t take the ass-whooping personally.”


Overheard from wife:
“Marriage is all about putting up with each other’s bullshit.”


Overheard on a conference call:
“My Deal Beard is on. I’m not shaving until this deal gets signed.”


Overheard at an industry conference:
“I don’t really want my competitors to feel miserable. But it’s kind of nice when they do.”


Overheard from another lawyer:
“I didn’t always want to be a lawyer. But I always wanted to give people advice. Because I’m always right.”


Overheard at the restaurant:
“Our son was still breast-fed at 5 years old. But only on special occasions.” “Well, it took me until 14 when I finally quit cold turkey. MWAHAHAHAHAH.”


Overheard travel planning:
“Having food allergies in Paris would be unacceptable.”


Overheard at the nursing home:
“She never trusted that young man, because of his curly mustache. Anyone who devotes so much time to grooming his mustache must be either insecure or conceited.”


“Why did our building just shake? Was that an earthquake?”
“Doesn’t matter. I have my sword. We will be OK.”


Overheard at the steakhouse:
“Would you like to see the wine list?”
“Yes. We are alcoholics.”
“That’s OK, I won’t judge.”


Mock trial at home. My son’s chosen job? Prosecutioner.
“This way, I can indict people AND carry out the sentence.” Result? Stuffed Bear found guilty of murdering Picachu. The punishment was severe.


You know it will be a day of cliches when the first conference call of the morning ends with: “At the end of the day, it is what it is.”


Overheard at the barber shop:
“Ты заебал, мудачьё. С клиентами надо вежливо разговаривать.”


Overheard at Society:
“We have a drinking team with a pool problem.”


Overheard at Russian Vodka Room:
“Тост: за то, что мы не там.”


Overheard at a bar:
“When you’re drunk, anything can seem like a good idea.”


Overheard at the bar:
“Is he your boyfriend?” “Kind of. He’s my boyfriend when I want him to be my boyfriend.”. “I hear you. I’m the same way with my ex.”


Overheard at the store:
“Dude, I watched a documentary about McDonalds and how they make Chicken McNuggets. And that made me, like, feel not very good about myself. Cause I love Chicken McNuggets.”


Overheard from another Russian-American parent:
“I didn’t try to teach my son Russian. I didn’t want him to get any ideas about going there.”


Overheard on Skype during a Minecraft epic battle:
“If you keep hammering the villagers on the head, they will crumble.”
“Dude, I need to take a break. Mom says I have to finish the pancake.”


Overheard near the gym:
“The only way to do it is to do it.”


Overheard on the 1:53 (the last train out of town):
“I want to kill all people who suck!”


Overheard at work:
“Their memo looks very pretty. Love the crisp font and nifty bullet points. It almost obscures the fact that their substance is 100% deep-fried bullshit.”


Overheard at a bar:
“I need to incorporate myself so all my expenses become deductible.”


Overheard at a cocktail party:
“When the FBI did my security clearance, they asked why I went to a Communist dance party 16 years ago.”
“Wow. What did you answer?”
“That I was just trying to get laid. I got the job.”


Overheard at Bleecker Bar:
“The older I get, the less patience I have for not having that second drink around when the first one runs out. So I order them both up front.”


“That’s OK papa, you won this one. But I already have a plan of how to dominate you in the future.”


Overheard at work:
“I try to read every email that I get. I don’t bother reading the ones I don’t get.”


Advice from waiter:
“Pork is pork. Chicken is a little lighter.”


Overheard from an 80-year old:
“I take 60 pills a day. It’s the golden years!”


Overheard at a buffet that has a $10 all-you-can-drink beer and Bloody Mary special:
“With each gulp, the marginal cost of my drink goes down.”


Best work quote of the week:
“I cannot keep up with all these emails anymore. Can we just have a call?”


Overheard on Park Avenue:
“I don’t do drugs. I am a blonde, so I am already starting with a deficit.”


Overheard at Barfly:
“Не люблю возвращаться в Совчину. Там люди противные.”


Overheard from the shoe shine guy:
“You look like you need a shoe shine. That’s where I come in. I am a Doctor of Shoeology.”


“Stop eating all this bread. It’s just carbohydrates.”
“Yeah, mama, but they are TASTY carbohydrates!”


“Papa, get ready for my Ultimate Taunt.”
“I am ready.”
“You are going down, old man.”


Overheard in Helsinki:
“Не понимаю меню. Тут всё по-бусурмански написано.”


Overheard from a distressed debt trader:
“This guy seems very horny to buy my debt. I must be getting screwed on price.”


Overheard on the train:
“If someone steals your cell phone, there should be a button that lets you blow up the phone and the fucker who stole it.”


Overheard in the elevator:
“Back in my day, musicians and singers used to wear tuxedos and bowties when they were performing. Now, they hardly wear any clothes at all.”


Overheard on the street (and I will try to use it verbatim in our next client update memo):
“When those tax f**king deductions expire, it’s gonna f**k a lot of people.”


Overheard at the nursing home:
“Stop telling me to chew the food. I have no teeth!”


Overheard on the subway:
“Не люблю ходить в Самовар. Там теплая водка и потные бабы. А в Рюмочной все наоборот. Там теплые бабы и запотевший от мороза графин водки.”


Overheard on a conference call:
“Sir, I thought the speed limit was 30 not 20.” “Yeah but it doesn’t matter because you were going 89.”


Overheard at Mari Vanna:
“Я буду criminal law заниматься. Бандитов всегда будет много, а когда recession их даже больше.”


Overheard on Brighton Beach:
“Я про тебя все факты знаю, сволочь. Из первоисточников!”


Trash talk overheard at Paddy’s:
“I’ve got more than you can handle, honey!”


Overheard at the Petroushka Ball:
“Они все женатые!”


“Here is a list of 15 restrictions that the other side wants to impose on you in the contract.” Client: “Those all seemed OK to me. But we should add an exception saying that I can do whatever I need to do.”


Overheard in a sports bar:
“I am very skilled with my fists. I just don’t want to use them on you.”


Overheard in a pool hall:
“I’m so good, it should be illegal.”


Overheard on Brighton Beach:
“Я трачу бешеные деньги на этого ребёнка. А когда она вырастет, она мне и копейки не даст. — Нет, мама. Одну копейку я тебе дам.”